March 30, 2023
Lot's Wife
Somehow it is always the women who ignore
the god-issued command -- do not open the beautiful box,
do not eat the apple, do not let your curiosity
get the best of you.
Lot was Abraham’s nephew, his wife is not named
but we know who she is, a disobedient
woman who paid with her life. An example
of someone who chose worldly goods over duty,
the tale goes, to look one last time
at the destruction of her home where she raised
her daughters. The same daughters Lot
offered to the angry mob in Sodom and Gomorrah
to protect the angels, god’s messengers,
hiding in their home. Lot said, Take them, my daughters,
who have never slept with a man. Do what you like
with them. After the mob rejected the virgins,
the family fled the city in safety if they promised
not to look back. Perhaps as they ran,
Lot’s wife thought of her life in a new land
with a husband who showed his true colors –
a man who used his children as bait to divert
violent men. Following her husband
and daughters, she chose to turn home and consider
the enormity of what she lost among the fire
and brimstone. She hardly felt the salt ash
cover her, solidifying her sorrow forever.
© the author
by Amy Haddad
Amy Haddad is a poet, nurse and educator who taught in the health sciences at Creighton University where she is now a Professor Emerita. Her poetry and short stories have been published in numerous including Janus Head, Journal of Medical Humanities, Touch, Bellevue Literary Review, Pulse, Persimmon Tree, Annals of Internal Medicine, Aji Magazine, DASH, Oberon Poetry Magazine, and Rogue Agent.